As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, This is my life…this is my world the way “I” see it. It may not be nice and most times it is not pretty. However, it is what it is. This is what I am looking for…to live my life…..and love it……..accept it…..the good the bad……and all the ugly. You heard of love the skin you in…..Well I wanna LOVE the Life Im in…..

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I got one for you!!!

OK, I have one for all you that say a man only get more than 1 wife when there is something wrong with the first marriage....

I talked to a woman that got married to a man the same day he married another..THATS RIGHT HE MARRIED THE BOTH THE SAME DAY!!!

I was like NOWAY, but it is true. this man always new he wanted more than one instead of hurting a first with with adding another.....he married them the same day......
they had seperate wilimas .......and their anniversary is whatever day the woman chose to have her wailma....Not the actual day of them marriage...
HE did a nice contract , I think, he put alot of things in it to protect everyones when someone is sick, has a baby, special day, ect........he spelled it all out........I was like man this man is on the ball....she said it made things easy cause no one could argue about time cause it was all spelled out.......

Oh, and no he was not dating either women he met them both about 2 months before he married them.....One was divorced the other never married; both women had children....One from a friend and the other by a Imam.

She said the both lived in the same apt complex but in seperate buildings...can you imagine the looks on the peoples face in the office when they came in to rent two apt. Now they both have small homes...they have been married 9 yrs....Go figure........

I have full details but only have a short time to write this......inshaallah I will get back to it...


  • At 1:44 PM, Blogger PM said…

    I'm curious if this is someone here in the Middle East or in the US. I know of an American sister (whose blog we both visit) who has a similar experience but their relationship is new. It certainly would be rare to find a man who thinks things through like this, but God bless them.

    Love you,


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