As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, This is my life…this is my world the way “I” see it. It may not be nice and most times it is not pretty. However, it is what it is. This is what I am looking for…to live my life…..and love it……..accept it…..the good the bad……and all the ugly. You heard of love the skin you in…..Well I wanna LOVE the Life Im in…..

Thursday, February 15, 2007


I am going to start another BLOG. This one will be for WEIGHT LOSS. Please visit to join. You can send me an email to join our group. Joining will allow you to post messages like it was your own blog. If you do not join you will only have access to the comments section.

I want this to be a Blog that give encouragement and advice to women that struggle with their weight. I know for me it is hard to look at myself and feel good. I would love to finish losing this weight. I have lost over 50 lbs but I still have more to lose. I sometimes give up and feel Like I am alone in my struggle but I know I am not!!!!

If you are sick and tired of being over weight, JOIN THIS BLOG!!! lets help each other lose weight!!!


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