As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, This is my life…this is my world the way “I” see it. It may not be nice and most times it is not pretty. However, it is what it is. This is what I am looking for…to live my life…..and love it……..accept it…..the good the bad……and all the ugly. You heard of love the skin you in…..Well I wanna LOVE the Life Im in…..

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!

This morning I woke up and just said ALHUMDUILLAH!!!!! You all do not know how happy it is to wake up free. For the first time in years I am free. Free in my mind, my soul, body, I am just feeling lighter. My burdens are gone and for the first time in a long time I woke up thinking of me on my birthday.

I am so greatful to Allah for this day. I am spending it with my mom. I have not done that in a few years. I pray that Allah makes this a great year for me and my family.

as I am writing this the sun is just about to pop out
I m thinking about all the posibilities this day has for me.
but then i think why just this day
what about my life
I can do anything
I feel like I can live the way I want to live.
This is MY LIFE
Im going for a ride Yall
Lets see where this baby takes me!!!!!!!!

Safa, my birthday buddy.......

I hope you have a day filled with happiness and LOVE
I pray Allah gives you the desires of your heart this year
May he give you all of what you need and some of what you want
May you grow stronger, wiser and happier
Truely for you , My sister, My friend, I want the best.
whatever Allah, not you, thinks is best.
I want you to wake up feeling free, free from all the drama and pain that covers your life
I want for you to LOVE freely and honestly
no more havign to be someone you are not
no more having to settle
no more having to look over at a person you no longer know
I have a bigger prayer
that one day you wake up and see your self and KNOW HER AGAIN!!!
You are the only one that knows what happened here.
You where there for me and I LOVE YOU
Thank you
Habibi, have a wonderful day!!!!
i will eat some cake and think of you


  • At 10:19 AM, Blogger Safa said…

    You are the greatest!! Thanks so much....I loved hearing that today! (AND THE TEXT MESSAGE AT 6:50 am!~~~)

    Have a great day today.....I have no idea what's going on for the sent two to my phone and one to hubby's....LOL!!!! Was that ur way of reminding him??? LOLOLOL!!!

    (Not that it made any difference....he read the message and he's like...its for you...HAHAHAHA)

    Well....I gotta go look in the mirror......LOL!!

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger PM said…

    Salaam Alaikum.

    I am sorry that I am a day late but hope you are making it a birthday WEEKEND!

    God bless you and yours,


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